Good news about gender (equality) in R&I


In April 2020 we’ve started a Twitter campaign to spread the good news about achievements and positive developments in the area of gender equality in research and innovation. The campaign […]

ERAC SWGGRI on sexual harrassment


The ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation calls on all stakeholders to take further concerted policy action to make the European Higher Education and Research Area […]

The higher a country scores on gender equality, the higher its innovation potential


A new report published by GENDERACTION shows that there is a positive correlation between the European Innovation Scoreboard, Adjusted Research Excellence Indicator, and Gender Equality Index.  Additionally, it was found […]

SWGGRI on future of gender equality in ERA


In this position paper, the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI) outlines its recommendations for the future of gender equality in the European Research Area […]

Vybrané překlady výstupů GENDERACTION


Vybrané výstupy projektu GENDERACTION jsme přeložily, aby byly přístupnější širšímu okruhu osob v české vědecké komunitě.  Dokumenty vycházejí z úkolů vyplývajících z úkolů pracovních balíčků 3 a 5, které se […]

Policy brief: Disruptive measures needed


  In our new policy brief we argue that to achieve substantive gender equality in R&I, disruptive measures are required. There are two forms of disruptive measures: temporary special measures […]

Webinar: Gendering H2020 and MSCA Proposals


What You Always Wanted to Know About Gendering H2020 and MSCA Proposals (But Never Dared to Ask) | 6.7.2020 | Webinar presentation (PDF)        

General Assembly Spring 2020


  On 27.-28. April 2020 GENDERACTION consortium had an online General Assembly and discussed what was been done and what were our plans for the next reporting period given the […]

MLW for Danube and Balkan region


On the 10th and 11th of March 2020, we organised jointly with Martina Hartl, a member of our Advisory Board on gender in international cooperation, a combined training and mutual […]

Gender Equality Strategy and R&I


On March 5 European Commission introduced the new Gender Equality Strategy for yeard 2020-2025. See selected tweets on the issue: We R very happy: #research & #innovation will B included […]