Good news about gender (equality) in R&I
In April 2020 we’ve started a Twitter campaign to spread the good news about achievements and positive developments in the area of gender equality in research and innovation. The campaign […]
In April 2020 we’ve started a Twitter campaign to spread the good news about achievements and positive developments in the area of gender equality in research and innovation. The campaign […]
The ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation calls on all stakeholders to take further concerted policy action to make the European Higher Education and Research Area […]
A new report published by GENDERACTION shows that there is a positive correlation between the European Innovation Scoreboard, Adjusted Research Excellence Indicator, and Gender Equality Index. Additionally, it was found […]
In this position paper, the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI) outlines its recommendations for the future of gender equality in the European Research Area […]
Vybrané výstupy projektu GENDERACTION jsme přeložily, aby byly přístupnější širšímu okruhu osob v české vědecké komunitě. Dokumenty vycházejí z úkolů vyplývajících z úkolů pracovních balíčků 3 a 5, které se […]
In our new policy brief we argue that to achieve substantive gender equality in R&I, disruptive measures are required. There are two forms of disruptive measures: temporary special measures […]
What You Always Wanted to Know About Gendering H2020 and MSCA Proposals (But Never Dared to Ask) | 6.7.2020 | Webinar presentation (PDF)
On 27.-28. April 2020 GENDERACTION consortium had an online General Assembly and discussed what was been done and what were our plans for the next reporting period given the […]
On the 10th and 11th of March 2020, we organised jointly with Martina Hartl, a member of our Advisory Board on gender in international cooperation, a combined training and mutual […]