Webinars for Horizon Europe NCPs


Are you NCP Coordinator?

Part of the GENDERACTION tasks focuses on delivering trainings to HORIZON EUROPE NCPs on gender equality topics and we would like to examine with you the possibility for collaboration between GENDERACTION and the project you are coordinating or have coordinated. More specifically, we would like to propose the organization of a webinar between April-September 2021 on gender equality and/or more specific topics such as Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). We would thus like to ask you to disseminate this information to the members of your NCP network. In case your NCP network is no longer active we would kindly ask you to disseminate this information to the former members of your network who still act as NCPs.

You can express your interest in our webinar (while also indicating the topics of interest related to your thematic area and thus allowing us to organize a webinar that best suits your needs) by using the following form https://forms.gle/mekTw5ZSLGUHmxcZA

Please note that GENDERACTION trainings will build on active learning and interactional approaches. We envisage that each training will be designed to incorporate different learning methods including presentations, case studies, energizers, and interactive exercises to encourage the active engagement of participants.

We would appreciate it if we would have an initial response by 22 March. Should you require further information, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

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