SWGGRI on future of gender equality in ERA
In this position paper, the Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (SWG GRI) outlines its recommendations for the future of gender equality in the European Research Area (ERA), which build on analyses of the current state of its implementation. This develops and supports the recently adopted the European Commission’s Gender Equality Strategy 2020-2025 and the ERAC Opinion on the Future of ERA published on 23 January 2020, exemplifying the relevance of gender aspects in the four ERA priorities proposed by ERAC.
The Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation has this recommendations that build on the analyses of the implementation of the ERA Roadmap.
- Gender equality conceptualised as intersecting with other factors, such as age, health status, disability, occupation, socioeconomic status, migratory status, and geographic location must remain a priority in the future European Research Area.
- The institutional change approach must remain the core principle for reforming all ERA institutions.
- An integrated approach to effective framework conditions for gender equality in research and innovation must be enhanced.
- The structures for gender equality in R&I at the national and EU level must continue and be reinforced.
- Responsible national authorities must be held accountable.
- The policy design, monitoring and evaluation system must be revised and reinforced.
- Equality should be linked with funding.
- Gender must be mainstreamed in all future priorities of the ERA.
- Research Funding Organisations should require applicants to demonstrate that they have fully considered potential biological sex and socio-cultural gender dimensions as key analytical and explanatory variables in their research.
- Gender-based violence and sexual harassment in higher education and research mustbe considered in all gender equality actions.
Read full text: Position paper on the future gender equality priority in the European Research Area 2020-2030.