Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation under European Research Area and Innovation Committee (ERAC SWG GRI) is a policy advisory committee that advises the Council of the EU, the European Commission, and member states on policies and initiatives related to gender equality in research and innovation. ERAC SWG GRI is a successor of Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation and consists of representatives of the Member States and Associated Countries, and the European Commission.

There is a substantial overlay between ERAC SWG GRI members and GENDERACTION consortium and associate members. Among GENDERACTIONs´goals is to support capacity building in gender equality in R&I among responsible national representatives and provide mutual learning opportunities to maximize existing experience among policymakers and other relevant stakeholders. The head of the ERAC SWG GRI is Marcela Linková, the coordinator of GENDERACTION project.


22.10.2021 | Position of the ERAC SWG GRI on the future ERA governance structure

01.06.2021 | Report by the ERAC SWG on Gender in Research and Innovation on Gender Equality Plans as a catalyst for change

18.08.2020 | Report on the Implementation of Targets: Follow-Up on the 2018 Guidance Recommendations

03.06.2020 | Policy brief: Mobilising to eradicate gender-based violence and sexual harassment. A new impetus for gender equality in the ERA

03.06.2020 | Sexual Harassment in the Research and Higher Education Sector: National Policies and Measures in EU Member States and Associated Countries

02.06.2020 | Position paper on the current COVID-19 outbreak and gendered impacts on researchers and teachers

26.05.2020 | Position paper on the future gender equality priority in the European Research Area 2020-2030

20.06.2019 | Innovating innovation: Policy brief on gender and innovation

28.03.2019 | Tackling gender bias in research evaluation: Recommendations for action for EU Member States – Policy brief

23.11.2018 | Report on the implementation of Council Conclusions of 1 Dec 2015 on Advancing Gender Equality in the ERA

23.01.2018 | Opinion on developing joint guidelines on a gender perspective for international cooperation in STI