Marcela Linková at Open Science Forum 2018



Marcela Linková will talk and debate with the audience on gender issues in open science and open innovation at the Open Science Forum 2018. The event is organised by the OpenAIRE, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg National Recherche Fund and FOSTER.

WHEN: November 16 | 14.00 – 15.30 (time zone Paris)

WHERE: Luxembourg Learning Centre | the Belval Campus (Esch-sur-Alzette)

In her speech Marcela will explore possible intersections between gender and Open Science and Open Innovation (OS/OI). Focusing on selected key aspects of OS/OI policies and practices, she will show that most analyses and policy documents related to OS/OI adopt a gender blind approach, with such an approach being more pronounced in the case of OS policies and practices than in the case of OI. She will argue that the consideration of gender issues in the development of OS/OI policies could have a positive impact on the promotion of gender equality goals and elimination of gender biases.

She will first examine what the gender issues are in selected aspects of Open Science, for instance through open access to publications and research data or the ways in which open access practices can be embedded in research evaluation/assessment procedures. Given the existing knowledge about gender differences in research publication as well as gender bias in research evaluation and assessment, it is for example pertinent to examine open peer review and altmetrics for potential relevance of gender. She will go on to consider the ways in which open innovation practices (such as crowdsourcing and citizen science) can contribute to advancing gender equality and gendered innovations. She will highlight the need to address the gender dimension on innovation processes overall, as well as the need to address diversity and gender balance in open innovation processes. In conclusion, she will formulate recommendations in selected priority areas for action addressed to different stakeholders, which I will open for discussion with the participants.


Source of the abstract:

Event website:

More info on GENDERACTION´s activities in the field of open science and open innovation: