EURAXESS training: Gendering research management
Gendering research management: enhancing excellence, removing barriers
Venue: Prague | Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Science, Jilská 1, Praha 1
Date: May 20, 2019 | 9.00-17.00
Closed event
The morning session will address the three priorities of the European Commission with regard to enhancing gender balance in research teams (1), access to decision-making (2), and integrating the gender dimension in research (3). Based on key definitions and a brief diagnosis of the key issues at stake such as horizontal and vertical segregation, the masculine image of science and the pervasiveness of gender-blind research, it will highlight the core features of the structural approach supported by DG Research as well as current trends in addressing these challenges at the levels of EU member states and research organizations. It will also illustrate how this can reflect in implementing the Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers or enhancing the profile of research organizations applying to HRS4R.
During the afternoon session, a more practical stance will be adopted to familiarize trainees with gender as an integrated part of research management, through exercises realized in subgroups and discussed in plenary. As an introduction, a brief state of play for each priority will be shared, drawing upon examples of good practices collected in EU-wide databases, especially with respect to recruitment and career management. Exercises will aim at providing guidance in dealing with those issues as part of Responsible Research and Innovation, covering the integration of a gender perspective at all stages of the research cycle, as well as potential strategies to remove barriers to women researchers’ geographical mobility and career enhancement. This session will draw upon training materials developed by Yellow Window to support research organizations in the design and implementation of Gender Equality Plans, complemented by a selection of case studies relevant to EURAXESS key priorities.
Detailed program of the event (in PDF)