ERAC SWGGRI: Innovating innovation. Policy brief on gender and innovation


Innovation is one of the main drivers of economic growth, technological and social development and a stimulus for overcoming current challenges facing humanity. However, a gender perspective is rarely adopted either in innovation processes, innovation studies or in innovation policies.

Policy brief of ERAC Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation (ERAC SWGGRI) presents a short overview of the key factors and trends in the participation of women in innovation and the integration of a gender dimension in innovation processes. It delivers recommendation to policy makers, research funders and innovators.

The brief argues that there is a need to consider a broad range of issues in innovation and to adapt the policy framing of innovation so that innovation can benefit women and men equally, addressing their respective needs and respecting their different life experiences and opportunities. Gender is relevant for the design, development and implementation of innovation, including innovation policy.

Dowload the policy brief >>>here<<<