Czech Strategy of Gender Equality Approved


On 8th March 2021 Czech government approved the Gender Equality Strategy for the years 2021-2030. The main policy document for gender equality is very ambitious and contains a total of 8 thematic areas (such as Work and care, Decision making, Safety, Health, Society, Foreign affairs), 26 strategic objectives, and more than 200 specific tasks.

In the thematic area of Knowledge, there are more than 20 tasks focused on achieving gender equality in R&I. The government committed for example to support gender equality plans (GEPs) at research performing organisations (RPOs). Among new evaluation criteria that will public research funding organisations (RFOs) apply are HR Award or GEPs as well as gender in research content. The strategy also pays attention to parents in R&I and increases the availability of childcare services and introduces the funding of restart grants for researchers returning to the work after carrier break caused by parental leave.

As in case of the National R&I policy for the years 2021-2030 approved in summer 2020 the Strategy quotes GENDERACTION deliverable report on Monitoring of ERA priority 4 implementation.